Now Pay Your Electricity Bills with Zero-interest EMI
It was noticed that people throughout the country got high electricity bills after Unlock 1.0. Some consumers had complained that the bills have increased by as much as 3 to 15 times than average. The fact is that during the lockdown months, the electricity bill was estimated based on the average consumption in the months preceding lockdown. The power distribution companies were not able to send employees to collect the meter readings. So,many customers had actually underpaid for the months of April and May. Thus, the bills rose in June as the residual electricity amount was considered.
The distribution companies have said that the reading of physical meters was halted since the month of March because of the pandemic. The bills that were generated were on the lower side as the preceding months experienced winter. The heatwaves and summer necessitate the use of fans, cooler and air conditioners, increasing the power bills received by consumers. The situation has been very poor in some states like Kerala. More than 100,000 complaints have been lodged. However, some vacant establishments have also received high bills.
Electricity companies had to issue elaborate statements to help the customers understand the bills. Tata Power issued a statement on 22 June saying that the pandemic had altered the lifestyle and most people had to stay inside their homes 24/7. There had been changes in lifestyle and the company asked consumers to compare that with the lifestyle that existed before that. This had necessitated the Maharashtra government to ask these companies to give the consumers the chance to pay the bills in monthly instalments. The best electricity bill payment option is now available on the Airtel Payments Bank platform.
Adani has come forward with zero-interest electricity bill payment
Adani has announced that interest would not be charged on the EMI facility that is available for the residential customers. The firm used to charge 9-10% interest according to MERC guidelines. This facility would be available to those who have received more than double their average bill amounts. This announcement had come from Adani soon after the state energy minister Nitin Raut had announced the zero-interest EMIs for more than 2 crore consumers for the state-based MSEDCL.
Also, Read Ways to pay the electricity bill without stepping out of home
Tata Power has not yet commented on the charge of interest on EMI payments. A BEST employee has said the extra income that is generated from the 12% interest would be announced in the yearly revenue necessity before MERC. This can help reduce tariffs in the city for the next year. Adani does not receive any subsidy from the government and has still waived the interest rates. They stand to lose substantial additional income in the process. If you are yet to make these payments, the Airtel Payments Bank is the best electricity bill payment platform.